Good interpersonal skills in kids are important for them to grow and develop over age. It helps them to interact with their peers and others. It is also an important aspect of their emotional intelligence and shapes their personality and behaviour. In our previous article, we discussed why these skills are important to be learned in the classroom and otherwise.
While there can be numerous activities for nurturing interpersonal skills, we must choose the ones that are age-specific and will interest them. You need to give them time to understand why they are doing this and what they will eventually learn.
This time, we have some simple games and activities that both parents and teachers can use to impart interpersonal skills to children.
Role Plays: This works for different age groups. This is a great way to expand empathy and perspective-taking. This can be role-based, situation-based- individual or in groups. Role-playing can benefit in many aspects of critical thinking, innovation and others.
Talk About Yourself: Give each student a designated time to freely talk about themselves. Self-love or self-compassion is an important part of interpersonal skills which we often ignore. You will discover how each one of them has something unique to say and also it can be a reflection of their inner beliefs, self-image and mental state.
You Don’t Say: Divide the group into smaller groups of 5-7 people. Write out a list of non-verbal behaviours. Have the groups act out and interpret the meanings of these behaviours. This activity helps participants recognize nonverbal communication cues from others. Within their groups, have students display one of the nonverbal behaviours, while everyone else in the group shares or writes down what nonverbal message they are receiving. Some nonverbal cues can be crossed arms, leaning on a chair, smiling, frowning, etc. Once they understand what they indicate, kids can interpret them better and apply them as applicable.
Volunteering work: This can be a great way for kids to understand and interact with the outside world, handle real-life situations, and develop empathy. Take them for some project or workshop outside or beyond what they have been doing. Make sure they are in a safe environment or always assisted but exposed to understanding how it works in the real world.
Blindfold Game: This is for older kids. Make two groups and choose one person to be blindfolded. Give them the same task wherein the other members of the group need to instruct the blindfolded person to reach a goal. The team who guides better will do it effectively and in less time. Then, discuss the group dynamics and what worked and what did not. This game helps with critical thinking, decision-making, listening skills, and others.